Pelosi, Schiff Impeach Biden Campaign
Pelosi and Schiff, obsessed with impeaching Trump, succeeded not only in driving Trump’s popularity skyward - but driving the Biden campaign into the ground.
Pelosi and Schiff, obsessed with impeaching Trump, succeeded not only in driving Trump’s popularity skyward - but driving the Biden campaign into the ground.
Instead of thanking his supporters last night in New Hampshire at the post caucus event, Joe Biden jumped ship. The former vice president, who came in 5th with just over eight percent of the primary votes, bolted to South Carolina in hopes for a head start in the south’s first primary. Not showing up to your own party is in poor taste, but no matter how rude his actions are, they may not matter much. According to National Review, “Biden has been counting on South Carolina as his firewall (where two-thirds of Democratic primary voters are black)” but a new
One of President Trump’s most powerful political tactics is to take a person’s mistake and mock them for it. This was on full display at a rally in New Hampshire yesterday when Trump decided to mock the way Speaker Pelosi acted during the State of the Union address. From mumbling and pointing at random people, to finally ripping up a copy of the speech, President Trump highlighted all of the odd things Pelosi was doing as the President gave his speech. “I was very distracted. I’m speaking and a woman is mumbling terribly behind me, angry, there was a little
New audio of Micheal Bloomberg defending his controversial “stop and frisk” policy has gone viral. Still, this is not a random instance of Bloomberg having a story that reflects poorly when it comes to minority relations. A 2011 New York Times article chronicles how Mayor Bloomberg had an increase of discrimination claims compared to the Guliani administration in years past. The article highlights that some experts believed that then-Mayor Bloomberg talked about how “perception and reality” were very different when it came to the Bloomberg administration’s stance on “civil rights.” “[d]uring Mr. Bloomberg’s first two terms in office, the number