
GOP Certified Poll Watcher Forcibly Denied Entry Into Philly Voting Location

Vote PA

Pennsylvania may be the single state to determine the 2020 president-elect. Therefore, voter fraud and “antics” are rampant across the state. Already, the Philadelphia City Commissioners are investigating a poll watcher who was allegedly kicked out of the polling place reportedly because he was a GOP poll watcher.


Human Events editor-in-chief Will Chamberlain released a video of the incident with the caption, “A poll watcher in Philly was just wrongfully prevented from entering the polling place. #StopTheSteal.”

GOP poll watcher Gary Feldman went to Philadelphia polling place, Mitchum-Wilson funeral home in South Philadelphia, for his duties when two other poll workers kicked him out. “So you’re not letting me in?” asked Feldman. “No” replied one of the other workers who then told Feldman to “call the police, do it. If you legal, call the cops.”

“I have a citywide watcher’s certificate” explained Feldman, to which another poll worker, this time a female, said “it’s not for this location.” When Feldman explained it was valid for any location in Philadelphia, they refused to let him in. Philadelphia Election Day Operations (EDO) Spokesperson Rachel Tripp told the Daily Caller, “Gary Feldman, a certified poll watcher, was illegally denied entry.”

Unfortunately, Tripp added, “Mr. Feldman’s experience at the polls is one of over a dozen instances of election interference reported across Philadelphia in just three hours since polls opened this morning.” Tripp added, “these blatant, desperate, and illegal attempts to prevent certified Republican poll watchers from ensuring the integrity of the electoral process is clearly a last-ditch effort by desperate Democrats to influence the election through obstructive and dishonest means.”

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