One of the vilest sexual predators ever in existence was found dead in his jail cell this past August. Even from the grave, the number of victims that lay in the path of billionaire Jeffrey Epstein continue to rise. Earlier today Kathleen Hawk Sawyer testified in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill and revealed the Epstein saga was nowhere near being finished.
FBI investigators are looking into whether a “criminal enterprise’ may have played a role” said Sawyer, who is the Bureau of Prisons’ director. “With a case this high profile, there has got to be either a major malfunction of the system or criminal enterprise at foot to allow this to happen. So…is the FBI looking at both?” asked South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsay Graham during the testimony. “The FBI is involved, and they are looking at criminal enterprise, yes” answered Sawyer.
Epstein’s death while he was imprisoned was deemed a suicide by New York City’s medical examiner. However, due to the high-profile friends and clients Mr. Epstein associated with, many believe the most likely scenario is that he was killed to protect those contacts. Furthermore, the famous forensic pathologist Dr. Baden told Fox News in October that Epstein’s body “bore telltale signs of homicide.”
Even Epstein’s brother, Mark Epstein expressed doubt that his brother had hung himself while inside his prison cell. “I could see if he got a life sentence, I could then see him taking himself out, but he had a bail hearing coming up” Mark told the Miami Herald. A point well taken considering Epstein has been in prison before and repeatedly released.
It seems as though the worst slap on the wrist he had previously received was a “jail work-release privilege” which allowed him to leave the Palm Beach Florida County Jail seven days a week, up to 16 hours a day. Surprise, surprise, Epstein continued to sexually abuse and traffic young women during that time period. In essence, why would Epstein believe his most recent incarceration was more serious and permanent than the others that he was able to have pricey lawyers navigate through.