
Whistleblower Lawyer Is an Ex-Hillary, Schumer Staffer

Andrew Bakaj, the lawyer representing the two anti-Trump “whistleblowers,” is both an ex-CIA official and a former staffer for both Hillary Clinton (as a New York senator) and current New York senator and Senate Democrat leader Charles Schumer. This according to his posted biography as seen here at the website for his law firm, Compass Rose Legal Group.
According to FEC records, in April of this year, Mr. Bakaj was also a two-time contributor to Act Blue. Act Blue self-describes its purpose this way:


[W]e’ve built a powerful online fundraising platform for Democratic candidates up and down the ballot, progressive organizations, and nonprofits.

The Washington Times also says this about Mark Zaid, a lawyer who has joined with Mr. Bakaj to defend the two whistleblowers:

Mark S. Zaid, a prominent national security lawyer in Washington and a Trump critic on Twitter, has joined the legal team representing the intelligence community whistleblower who is targeting President Trump.

The legal reinforcement in a media-political frenzy not seen since the 2017 Trump-Russia brouhaha signals a tough battle ahead for the White House and the Justice Department.


Mr. Zaid’s law partner, Bradley P. Moss, is counterattacking conservatives who have vilified the unidentified whistleblower. He called the Trump supporters “human excrement posing as human beings.”

Everyone is entitled to a lawyer, and the whistleblowers are no exception. But the choice of these two particular lawyers is a classic case of just how the president’s enemies repeatedly hand him ripe political opportunities to brand and defeat them.
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The president could ask for no better foils than whistleblowers and their lawyers who, between them, are connected to the living embodiments of the Swamp — ex-CIA officials and Trump-hating lawyers, one of whom worked for both Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer.

One can only imagine the glee with which the president can pounce on this at his next massive rally in the middle of America. Indeed, one can only imagine the fury from half of the country when they realize the president they elected is being targeted for what is already seen as an attempted coup d’état by those who can be instantly seen as nothing more than the latest in a seemingly endless parade of Deep State operatives — Swamp creatures who simply cannot abide the millions of hard-working Americans who believe that yes, indeed, elections are to be decided by the people and not overturned by elites who despise the voters.

And despise their fellow Americans would be exactly the word. The Washington Times article reports of Mr. Zaid’s law partner, one Bradley P. Moss, as saying this:

He called the Trump supporters “human excrement posing as human beings.”

Got it.

There can be little doubt that such sentiments are not simply accurate portrayals of the utter contempt elites have for millions of their fellow countrymen. What is always so striking in these moments is the utter inability of those who say and do such things to see how, in fact, their blind hatred for this president not only backfires but also routinely leads to self-inflicted damage.

Whether it’s the whistleblowers and their lawyers or Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” comments that did so much damage to her campaign, or whether it’s MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell’s haste to go on air with a story about the president and Russian oligarchs that had to be embarrassingly retracted the very next day, time after time after time the only people who suffer are the people who do these things.

Eventually the identity of these whistleblowers will — and should — leak. The Constitution is crystal clear that “the accused shall enjoy the right … to be confronted with the witnesses against him.” It isn’t political rocket science to understand the American people are not about to be silent about denying a basic constitutional right to this president. They are not about to see their votes overturned by shadowy, unseen bureaucratic operatives from the CIA who are represented by an ex-Hillary and Schumer staffer who is also, don’t you know, an Act Blue contributor.

So congratulations to the whistleblowers and their lawyers. They have effectively transformed themselves into a highly effective Committee to Re-elect the President.

Well done!

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