Mornings were just…better…waking up knowing that President Donald J. Trump was in charge.
In fact, going to bed was also a feeling of overall peace and confidence about the fact that my President was ensuring my safety and the safety of all Americans! But the reasons I miss my President go much deeper than just the warm and fuzzy. They go MUCH deeper, especially as we as a nation and – in many cases a world – continue to mourn the heartbreaking loss of the 13 incredible Americans who died in Afghanistan just before the Anniversary of the bloodbath that was September 11th. We continue to mourn, in great part, because in all honesty and as my brother once taught me about some sad things in life, “it didn’t have to happen.” Well if we are being honest: November 4th and the days that followed “didn’t have to happen” but here we are.
1. On Foreign Policy: Contrary to the opinion of some Conservative women I know, We The People did not elect President Trump because of his looks. We The People did not elect President Trump because he says pretty, roses and rainbows-type things all the time. (Side Note: He also doesn’t belong to the “how fake can we possibly be on social media” Club! No. WE elected Donald because he said what so many Americans have said for YEARS and YEARS and we were so fed up that electing a non-politician, anti-swamp, savvy, successful businessman was the absolute only thing to do if we wanted to attempt at turning our beloved nation around. And so WE did! Despite what the fake news media will tell you, “The Donald” is a legend to other countries and their leaders. They agreed to meet with him when he asked and after doing what Trump does best, all parties inked a deal that made their world – and ours – a better place. When guys like Putin and Kim Jong Un change their tones, you know my President was doing something right. Instead, our “new” criminal administration chooses the ‘bend over method’ to attempt at keeping our enemies at bay. Maybe Mr. Biden should have one of his interpreters read him excerpts from The Art of the Deal at bedtime!
2. On Trade: The best Trump meme I saw shortly after the fake Biden inauguration was that of a person getting gas with words that read “Miss me Yet?” across the top of the picture. I assure you – Libs and Conservatives alike – thought to themselves “yes, yes I do”. Cheaper prices at the gas pump is just one of many American luxuries we enjoyed at a discount under a Trump presidency. If we are being honest, the guy knew how to negotiate like no other leader in the history of ever! When he took office and no doubt assessed all of the millions of items he needed to fix, our trade policies had to be top of that list. We are seeing that first-hand today at the grocery store, the gas pump and anywhere we are used to knowing what to expect in the way of pricing for things we rely on from other countries. Not to mention a Chinese plan-demic being tossed in the mix which jacked manufacturing and deliveries for months! So the absolute only way to see things stay reasonable price-wise was to keep President Trump doing what he does best – maintaining strong negotiation tactics and deals with our top suppliers of foreign trade and bringing home as many companies and products as possible that had left our great nation during the first Obama term disaster! Fast forward to another (omg!) year from now and you can expect to have to take out another home equity line of credit just to feed your family and put shoes on their feet. Sad!
3. On Safety: I can’t explain why I just felt safer with President Trump in the White House. But I did. I slept better. I didn’t think twice about who or what was coming into our country that may have the capacity to hurt me or my family in public, crowded places we visit, or in the privacy of our own homes. I just didn’t worry. Now… I find it hard to feel safe leaving my house and especially after the disaster in Afghanistan it would not surprise me (no jinx intended) if we start to see more terrorist attacks on our great land. Thankfully I am a woman of God who also believes in guns. When you saw Trump speak, when you saw him at the head of a board meeting table with his top security advisors, when he vowed to defend the Second Amendment at all costs, you just knew he had our backs. We were protected and just as he threatened the Taliban – he was not afraid to call out ANY of our enemies should they so much as whisper a threat against the beloved American military or civilians. Hell’s wrath would come down upon them should they attempt or speak of a threat to the United States! Just ask Iraqi General Qasem Soleimani (the man behind the Improvised Explosive Devices that killed so many American soldiers beginning in 2003). Surely they can attest to whether or not my President meant business when he also tweeted to Iranian President Rouhani: “NEVER, EVER THREATEN THE UNITED STATES AGAIN OR YOU WILL SUFFER CONSEQUENCES THE LIKES OF WHICH FEW THROUGHOUT HISTORY HAVE EVER SUFFERED BEFORE. WE ARE NO LONGER A COUNTRY THAT WILL STAND FOR YOUR DEMENTED WORDS OF VIOLENCE & DEATH. BE CAUTIOUS!”
4. On Taxes: My heart breaks when I watch anything spending-related come out of DC but especially in reference to the “government” handouts we are seeing since Biden put up new curtains in DC. Honestly, today’s taxpayers footing the bill is not my concern. Instead, I am terrified for my sweet nieces and nephews (currently toddlers) who will be left with the hefty bill when they are of age to carry such an awful burden as a result of this horrific administration’s tragic decision making and frivolous spending. The worst part is that we all know family and friends who campaigned, voted for and even brag about their party’s way of “running” this country. Do they realize they are basically setting up their children for a life on food stamps (also a big favorite of theirs!) and financial struggle because any money they do make, Uncle Sam will be taking to cover these stupid bills being passed ensuring the wealth and security and weapons of some of our worst enemies? ‘Sick’ doesn’t even begin to cover some of the “packages” these people are passing in the dark of the night calling it “Covid Relief” just to make themselves feel better about their dirty deeds. When President Trump was in charge of the checkbook or to the best that his power and ability allowed, I knew he would use the “V-word” as needed to ensure not only the lowering of taxes during his term, but also the protection of future generations’ hard work and investments. When tax time comes around this year it will be scary and more of a ‘cover your eyes and sign at the X’ instead of picking out the new furniture in anticipation of that refund check signed by the one and only Donald J. Trump.
5. On Covid: I wasn’t surprised when my President contracted Covid (have you ever been to one of his rallies?!). I was sad and stressed knowing he may not feel well for a few days but I knew he would rebound and be good to go shortly after his test came back with a big fat + sign on it. The absolute best, most Divine leader of the free world was, without a doubt, The Chosen One to lead an entire nation during a Chinese plan-demic like Covid-19.
Knowing that Trump was overseeing a task force (brilliant by the way) of “helpers (yes some turned out to be dirty too, like many in Washington),” and was transparently guiding us through all of this was such a source of comfort during the quarantine phase in this country. I was a little bit surprised when he decided to get the jab (since he, along with his family, had survived with flying colors a positive Covid diagnosis) but I also realized he is the best salesman in the world in many ways! If my President was going to protect the most vulnerable with a vaccine and PROVE that his record-breaking vaccine release was safe, he was going to have to get the shot himself. And so he did.
But in general, there is no human being more up to a task than Donald Trump when it came to turning around an entire country, economy and stock market that had completely shut down due to a bad spread of the flu (which side note: influenza kills more people and children annually by 100s of thousands but who’s counting really?).
6. On Peace: I’m sorry, how many Nobel peace prizes was my President nominated for? And the answer is… at least 3! Who knows, might be more but Trump is so despised that 3 is all he will be known for most likely. What we know for 100% certain is that President Trump broke a 39-YEAR streak of neither starting a war or bringing the US into an international armed conflict. If that doesn’t qualify for the Prince of Peace crown I don’t know what does! Donald didn’t run from conflict, instead he packed a bag, booked a flight and flew to deal face to face with it himself. I remember waiting anxiously when we knew he was in such meetings to hear how his negotiations went, and I can’t remember a time when his post-meeting tweet didn’t read, “Went great! Uge things to come!”. The best part is he didn’t have to give everything away to achieve his goals and protect the US’s best interests. Instead today’s “deal makers” not only write trillion-dollar checks but they leave nothing on the table other than more debt and a few threatening letters from the IRS. Unreal.
7. On Businesses: In my travels, I often meet some of America’s most genuinely hard-working, patriotic, God-loving folks. The most memorable was a few years ago in rural Virginia when I broke down on my way back from Florida. After Googling “local mechanics” late on a Sunday evening one man answered his phone with a Southern accent and when I told him which gas station I was stuck at, he told me to stay right there and that he was on his way. After towing us to his repair shop, we sat waiting in his office as he installed the car part he drove across town to get in order to put us back on our way. Surrounding me were Trump mugs, Trump posters and Fox News on the small mounted TV on the corner table. Naturally it was easy to start ‘this’ conversation after he had fixed the car and sat down to chat for a minute. The next thing I knew I was in tears hearing about farmers he knew who used to kill themselves just so their wives and families could live off the life insurance money when times were toughest in their industry. When Donald Trump, a businessman at the time, heard about this epidemic of sorts, he went to these farmers and offered them loans to get them back on their feet. My President understood, had compassion for and knew how to help businesses of all shapes and sizes and he took that same passion into his presidency. Without him working his butt off to provide aid to businesses across the nation during the Covid-19 crisis I assure you – NONE of them would have survived the detriment that was the sudden shutdown of their livelihoods. There are countless more stories of businessman Trump saving the lives of owners and their families over decades and decades but I’m sure Mr. Google and Zuckerberg have surely sent staff out to delete any of them on as many cancel-culture platforms as possible.
8. On Military: There is no one on Earth who should have more respect, more honor, more prestige… than the United States military. The fear they feel and the perils they face so that we can be safe and cozy in our cute little lives is nothing short of incredible. My President knows this and he worked tirelessly to fight for them and to give them whatever they need to succeed in their mission to protect the land where we live so free because of their great sacrifice. Knowing high-ranking officials in the United States Army and Navy, I heard nothing but gratitude for all that President Trump accomplished on their behalf since Day 1 of his great presidency. He was handed an exhausted, supplies-starving, frustrated force of soldiers from the “administration” who preceded him and he immediately sprung into action using whatever tools were at his disposal to support, re-build and STRENGTHEN our most important asset, our great military. President Trump made CERTAIN know how critical they are to our country.
Not only did my President encourage and empower our military forces, but he did the same for police departments all across our 50 states. They too felt loved and supported by President Trump, so much so that many of them endorsed him (who prior to his campaign had yet to endorse ANY running nor sitting President)! Honestly, how do you begin to count the ways in which we owe a great deal of gratitude to my Commander in Chief for all of the lives he touched and the overall difference he made in this country and in the world? “Thank You” just does not seem to be enough!
9. On Transparency: I can’t lie, if I was near a TV or smartphone and could catch a Kayleigh McEnany press conference during my President’s great first term, I immediately tuned in and watched it. From Kayleigh’s opening statements to the very last question in her daily battle with fake news reporters, she handled herself with grace and humility. She spoke confidently knowing she had President Trump’s blessing and knowing that she was defending the greatest US President in history! After each presser I felt connected, I felt aware, I felt CONFIDENT knowing what was happening in our world stemming from the office of my President, Donald J. Trump. He made sure that their administration’s daily briefings were informative, they were detail specific and they updated the world on that day’s happenings and what to expect in days, weeks, and months ahead.
Kayleigh had a way of responding that made you feel strong as a nation because she worked for a strong leader. There was no room for cowering to the losers in the folding chairs who “thought” their job was to berate and attack with their accusations and false narratives a President just because they didn’t “like” his decisions that day or the tweet about Nancy’s poor choice in colored suits. No. My President and his entire team consisted of fired-up, action and results-oriented people who were determined to make a difference in our country – one Jim Acosta at a time! There will never be another political figure to do more in calling out and demanding honesty and transparency for the American people than President Trump. ‘Fake News’ has become a staple term now and without my President, I do not believe we would have begun the war on false narratives in this country. Sadly my daily addiction to the media has ended due to the nauseous feeling I get when I hear Biden or anyone from his staff even mentioned by even some of my favorite program hosts! I can’t do it. I miss the news under MY President!
10. On Patriotism: There is a reason why so many Americans felt all the feels as they say, whenever we watched the President and First Lady Melania walk together, hand in hand, at patriotic ceremonies, on special occasions and at events, all of which began with the reciting of The Pledge of Allegiance or The National Anthem. Now, granted, Melania was a supermodel in her previous life and – let’s face it – a fashion icon to anyone right-winged or humble enough to admit it; but their image on the big screen wasn’t something out of the Oscar’s when they stood proudly with their right hands over their hearts. It was instead a moment of love and gratitude for truly a nation that has blessed them so much. For Melania, it fulfilled her dreams to become a US citizen (legally!) and go on to live and have a family and career in the land of the free. And for Donald – his country was like a wide-open “blueprint” on which he could build and develop property and continue the wonderful, successful legacy his father had begun.
President Trump did not run for President because he needed the money, or the drivers or the luxuries. He did it because he loves his country and he was sick and tired of seeing it destroyed, mutilated, torn to shreds, even humiliated by the swampiest of forever lifelong political heads in Washington. As it turned out and sad to say, he himself was also destroyed in many ways but all in sacrifice for the land he loves and the PEOPLE he chose to serve for 4 years and counting. He was sick of seeing the fruits of his labor and investments filling the pockets and the pillows of the ladies and gentlemen fast asleep at the wheel while our country began to look more and more like a course in “Socialism 101: How To: Turn YOUR Country into China!”
As we all wake up a bit confused, a bit scared even a bit SHOCKED at what is happening in our world today – as we watch as a RECORD number of executive orders begin to take effect and roll out from what will undoubtedly go down in history as the worst, most bizarre “presidency” in the world – as we find it harder and harder to keep up with rising prices and lowering work ethic – I hope we can cling to the words of my President when his daughter-in-law asked him what he would like to say to the millions of Americans who are losing hope today: “Hope? There’s always hope!”
And so I hope knowing there are over 80 million Americans missing President Trump, I hope – I hope – that thought at least helps you sleep tonight, too.