VP Harris Niece, Media Liberals Red-Faced Over Race Lie About Boulder Shooter

Meena Harris
Meena Harris

Hell hath no fury like a racial stereotype upended.


In the hours since the shooting in Boulder, Colorado all manner of left-wing media types quickly raced to put their racial bigotry and animus on display.

Seemingly one of the first out of the gate to push a racist stereotype was, notably, Vice President Kamala Harris’s niece Meena Harris.

The headline at Fox

Vice president’s niece declares ‘violent white men are the greatest terrorist threat to our country’


Tweeted Meena:

“The Atlanta shooting was not even a week ago. Violent [W]hite men are the greatest terrorist threat to our country.”

Fox followed this story and reported:

“On Tuesday, she deleted the tweet but also raised eyebrows with her correction.

‘I deleted a previous tweet about the suspect in the Boulder shooting. I made an assumption based on his being taken into custody alive and the fact that the majority of mass shootings in the U.S. are carried out by [W]hite men,’ Harris tweeted.”


Here’s a real fact for Meena. When you marinate your political sensibilities in the political culture of a party created by slave owners, a party that was a staunch supporter of slavery and segregation and now is chin deep in the politics of identity politics, the son of segregation – it is clearly not possible to look at any event without playing the race card.  Which Meena Harris did in the blink of an eye.

But certainly, Harris was far from alone. All manner of leftists, similarly marinating in the political culture of the Party of Race, was quick to say their version of the same race-baiting assumption.

This was noted over in NewsBusters in this piece by Veronica Hays.  Hays noted the following:

“The liberal Hollywood elite took to Twitter to prematurely pronounce the motive behind the Boulder, CO shooting as “White supremacy.” Unfortunately for them, the alleged killer is not white.

In fact, Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, the man suspected of murdering 10 innocents at a Boulder grocery store on March 22 is a Syrian-born immigrant who engaged in Trump-bashing and other SJW pursuits on Facebook. According to his social media posts (which were promptly removed), Alissa was a devout Muslim and ISIS sympathizer who was fiercely critical of Islamophobia and argued for lessened restrictions for refugees and migrants. Ironically, this character description bears striking similarities to the type of demographic that tends towards woke politics.”

Hays reported:

“These critical details were not yet revealed before the actress and woke white woman Rosanna Arquette rushed to attribute blame by tweeting “Call it what it is ..White supremacist domestic terrorism.”

Said comedian DL Hughley in a tweet before the name and Syrian tie of the shooter was revealed: “A white-armed mass murderer has a better chance surviving an encounter with the police than a black dude holding a phone!”

Oops again.

This would be hilarious if it weren’t so seriously dangerous. Pick the topic and there is someone or a collection of someones on the Left playing the race card.

What a disgrace – and as mentioned, a seriously dangerous disgrace.

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